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an-Nisa` (Women)
as rendered by Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar
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Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar rendition of Surah Women(an-Nisa`)
4:1 O humanity! Be Godfearing of your Lord Who created you from a single soul and, from it, created its spouse and from them both disseminated many men and women. And be Godfearing of God through Whom you demand rights of one another and the wombs, the rights of blood relations. Truly, God had been watching over you.
4:2 And give the orphans their property and take not in exchange the bad of yours for what is good of theirs. And consume not their property with your own property. Truly, this had been criminal, a hateful sin.
4:3 And if you feared that you will not act justly with the orphans, then, marry who seems good to you of the women, by twos, in threes or four. But if you feared you will not be just, then, one or what your right hands possessed. That is likelier that you not commit injustice.
4:4 And give wives their marriage portion as a spontaneous gift. Then, truly, if they (f) were pleased to offer to you anything of it on their (f) own, consume it wholesomely with repose.
4:5 And give not the mentally deficient your wealth that God assigned to you to maintain for them, but provide for them from it and clothe them. And say honorable sayings to them.
4:6 And test the orphans until when they reached the age for marriage. Then, if you observed them to be of right judgment, then, release their property to them and consume it not excessively and hastily, for they will develop. And whoever had been rich, let him have restraint and whoever had been poor, then, let him consume as one who is honorable. And when you released their property to them, call witnesses over them. And God sufficed as a Reckoner.
4:7 For men is a share of what was left by the ones who are their parents and the nearest kin. And for women is a share of what was left by the ones who are their parents and nearest kin whether it was little or it was much—an apportioned share.
4:8 And when the division is attended by those imbued with kinship and the orphans and the needy, then, provide for them from it and say honorable sayings to them.
4:9 And let executors dread like those who, if they left behind weak offspring, would fear for them. Then, let them be Godfearing of God and let them say appropriate sayings.
4:10 Truly, those who consume the wealth of orphans with injustice, consume only fire into their bellies and they will roast in a blaze.
4:11 God enjoins you concerning your children. For the male, the like allotment of two females. And if there had been women, more than two, then, for them (f) two-thirds of what he left. But if there had been one, then, for her is half. And for one’s parents, for each one of them a sixth of what he left, if he would have a child. Then, if he be with no child and his parents inherited, then, a third to his mother. Then, if he had brothers, then a sixth for his mother. This is after any bequest he enjoins or any debt. Your parents or your children, you are not informed which of them is nearer to you in profit. This is a duty to God. Truly, God had been Knowing, Wise.
4:12 And for you is a half of what your spouses left if they be with no child. Then, if they (f) had a child, then, for you is a fourth of what they (f) left. This is after any bequest which they bequeath or any debt. And for them (f) a fourth of what you left if you be with no child. And if you had a child, then, for them (f) is an eighth of what you left. This is after any bequest which you bequeath or any debt. And if a man would have no direct heirs, or a woman, but indirect heirs, and has a brother or sister, then, for each one of them (f), a sixth. Then, if there would be more than that, then, they would be ascribed associates in a third. This is after any bequest which is bequeathed or any debt without being one who presses the heirs. This is the enjoinment from God. And God is Knowing, Forbearing.
4:13 These are the ordinances of God. And whoever obeys God and His Messenger, He will cause to enter Gardens beneath which rivers run, ones who will dwell in them forever. And that is the winning the sublime triumph.
4:14 And whoever rebels against God and His Messenger and violates His ordinances, He will cause him to enter fire, one who shall dwell in it forever and he will have a despised punishment.
4:15 And those who approach indecency among your wives, call to four among you to bear witness against them (f). Then, if they bore witness to the affair, then, hold them (f) back in their houses until death gathers them (f) to itself or God makes a way for them (f).
4:16 And those two who among you approach that, then penalize them both. Then, if they repented and made things right, then, turn aside from them. Truly, God had been Accepter of Repentance, Compassionate.
4:17 To turn only to God for forgiveness is for those who do evil in ignorance and, again, soon they are remorseful. Then, those are whom God turns to in forgiveness. And God had been Knowing, Wise.
4:18 And there is not remorsefulness for those who do evil deeds until when one of them was attended by death, he would say: I, truly, repented now nor for those who die while they are ones who are ungrateful. Those, We made ready for them a painful punishment.
4:19 O those who believed! It is not lawful for you that you inherit women unwillingly, and place not difficulties for them (f) so that you take away some of what you gave them (f), unless they approach a manifest indecency. And live as one who is honorable with them (f). Then, if you disliked them (f) perhaps you dislike something in which God makes much good.
4:20 And if you wanted to exchange your spouse in place of another spouse and you gave one of them (f) a hundredweight, so take not anything from it. Would you take it by false charges to harm her reputation and in clear sin?
4:21 And how would you take it when one of you had sexual intercourse with the other and they (f) took from you an earnest solemn promise?
4:22 And marry not women whom your fathers married unless it was in the past. Truly, it had been an indecency and repugnant and how evil a way!
4:23 Your mothers were forbidden to you and your daughters and your sisters and your paternal and maternal aunts and daughters of your brothers and daughters of your sisters and your foster mothers, those who breast fed you, and your sisters through fosterage and mothers of your wives and your stepdaughters, those who are in your care from wives, those with whom you have lain—but if you have not yet lain with them (f), then there is no blame on you; and wives of your sons who are of your loins; and that you should not gather two sisters together unless it be from the past. Truly, God had been Forgiving, Compassionate
4:24 Forbidden to you are the ones who are married women, but from females whom your right hands (f) possessed. This is prescribed by God for you. And were permitted to you those who were beyond these so that with your wealth you be looking as males, ones who seek wedlock, not as ones who are licentious males. For what you enjoyed of it from them (f), give them (f) their bridal due as their dowry portion. And there is no blame on you for what you agreed on among yourselves after the duty. Truly, God had been Knowing, Wise.
4:25 And whoever of you is not affluent to be able to marry the ones who are free, chaste females, the female believers, then, from females whom your right hands possessed, the ones who are female spiritual warriors, female believers And God is greater in knowledge about your belief. You are of one another. So marry them (f) with the permission of their people, and give them (f) their bridal due as one who is honorable, they being ones who are free, chaste females, without being ones who are licentious females, nor females, ones who take lovers to themselves. And when they (f) are in wedlock, if they (f) approached indecencies, then on them is half of the ones who are free, chaste females of the punishment. That is for those who dreaded fornication among you. And that you endure patiently is better for you. God is Forgiving, Compassionate.
4:26 God wants to make manifest to you and to guide you to customs of those who were before you and to turn to you in forgiveness. And God is Knowing, Wise.
4:27 God wants that He turn to you in forgiveness while those who follow their lusts want that you turn against God in a serious deviation.
4:28 God wants to lighten the burden on you. And the human being was created weak.
4:29 O those who believed! Consume not your wealth between you with falsehood, but that it be a transaction of agreeing together among you. And kill not yourselves. Truly, God had been Compassionate to you.
4:30 But whoever accomplishes that through deep seated dislike and injustice, We will scorch him in a fire. And that would have been easy for God.
4:31 If you avoid major sins that you are prohibited, We will absolve you of your minor sins and cause you to enter a generous gate.
4:32 And covet not what God gave as advantage of it to some of you over others. For men is a share of what they deserved and for women is a share of what they (f) deserved. And ask God for His grace. Truly, God had been Knowing of everything.
4:33 And to everyone We assigned inheritors to what the ones who are your parents and the nearest kin left. And those with whom you made an agreement with your sworn oaths, then, give them their share. Truly, God had been Witness over everything.
4:34 Men are supporters of wives because God gave some of them an advantage over others and because they spent of their wealth. So the females, ones in accord with morality are the females, ones who are morally obligated and the females, ones who guard the unseen of what God kept safe. And those females whose resistance you fear, then admonish them (f) and abandon them (f) in their sleeping places and go away from them (f). Then if they (f) obeyed you, then look not for any way against them (f). Truly, God had been Lofty, Great.
4:35 And if you feared a breach between the two, then, raise up an arbiter from his people and an arbiter from her people. If they both want to make things right, God will reconcile it between the two. Truly, God had been Knowing, Aware.
4:36 And worship God and ascribe nothing as partners with Him. And kindness to the ones who are your parents and to the possessors of kinship and the orphans and the needy, to the neighbor who is as a possessor of strangeness and the neighbor who is kin and to the companion by your side and the traveler of the way and whom your right hands possessed. Truly, God loves not ones who had been proud, boastful,
4:37 those who are misers and command humanity to miserliness and keep back what God gave them of His grace. And We made ready for the ones who are ungrateful a despised punishment
4:38 and for those who spend their wealth to show off to humanity and believe neither in God nor in the Last Day. And to whomever Satan would be a comrade, then how evil a comrade!
4:39 And what would be for them if they believed in God and the Last Day and spent out of what God provided them? God had been Knowing of them.
4:40 Truly, God does not wrong even the weight of an atom. And if there be benevolence, He multiplies it and gives that which proceeds from His Presence a sublime compensation.
4:41 Then, how will it be when We brought about from each community a witness and We brought thee about as witness against these?
4:42 On a Day those who were ungrateful and rebelled against the Messenger will wish that the earth be shaped over them but they will not keep back God’s discourse.
4:43 O those who believed! Come not near the formal prayer while you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying nor defiled but as one who passes through a way until you wash yourselves. And if you had been sick or on a journey or one of you drew near from the privy or you came into sexual contact with your wives and you find no water, then, aim at getting wholesome, dry earth. Then, wipe your faces and your hands. Truly, God had been Pardoning, Forgiving.
4:44 Hast thou not considered those who were given a share of the Book? They exchange fallacy and they want you to go astray from the way.
4:45 And God is greater in knowledge of your enemies. And God sufficed as a protector. And God sufficed as a helper.
4:46 Among those who became Jews are those who tamper with words out of context. They say: We heard and we rebelled and: Hear—without being one who is caused to hear and: Look at us—distorting their tongues and discrediting the way of life. And if they said: We heard and we obeyed and: Hear thou and: Wait for us, it would have been better for them and more upright, except God cursed them for their ingratitude. So they believe not but a few.
4:47 O those who were given the Book! Believe in what We sent down, that which establishes as true what was with you, before We obliterate faces, and repel them backward or curse them as We cursed the Companions of the Sabbath. And the command of God had been one that is accomplished.
4:48 Truly, God forgives not to ascribe partners with Him and He forgives other than that whomever He wills. And whoever ascribes partners with God, then, surely, he devised a serious sin.
4:49 Hast thou not considered those who make themselves seem pure? Nay! God makes pure whom He wills and they will not be wronged in the least.
4:50 Look on how they devise a lie against God; and it sufficed as clear sin.
4:51 Hast thou not considered those who were given a share of the Book? They believe in false gods and false deities and they say to those who were ungrateful: These are better guided than those who believed in the way!
4:52 Those are those whom God cursed. And for whomever God curses, then, thou wilt not find a helper for him.
4:53 Or share they in the dominion? Then, they give not humanity in the least.
4:54 Are they jealous of humanity for what God gave them of His grace? Then, surely, We gave the people of Abraham the Book and wisdom and We gave them a sublime dominion.
4:55 Then, among them are some who believed in him and among them are some who barred him. And hell sufficed for a blaze.
4:56 Truly, those who were ungrateful for Our signs, We will scorch them in a fire. As often as their skins were wholly burned, We will substitute with other skins so that they will experience the punishment. Truly, God had been Almighty, Wise.
4:57 And those who believed and did as the ones in accord with morality, We will cause them to enter into Gardens beneath which rivers run, ones who will dwell in them forever, eternally. For them in it will be purified spouses. And We will cause them to enter into plenteous shady shadow.
4:58 Truly, God commands you to give back trusts to the people. And when you gave judgment between humanity, give judgment justly. Truly, how excellent God admonishes you of it. Truly, God had been Hearing, Seeing.
4:59 O those who believed! Obey God and obey the Messenger and those imbued with authority among you. Then, if you contended with one another in anything, refer it to God and the Messenger if you had been believing in God and the Last Day. That is better and a fairer interpretation.
4:60 Hast thou not considered those who claim that they believed in what was caused to descend to thee and what was caused to descend before thee? They want to take their disputes to another for judgment—to false deities—while they were commanded to disbelieve in them, but Satan wants to cause them to go astray—a far wandering astray.
4:61 And when it was said to them: Approach now to what God caused to descend and approach now to the Messenger, thou hadst seen the ones who are hypocrites barring thee with hindrances.
4:62 How then will it be when they are lit on by an affliction for what their hands put forward? Again, they drew near thee, swearing by God: Truly, we wanted but kindness and conciliation!
4:63 They are those whom God knows what is in their hearts. So turn aside from them and admonish them and say to them concerning themselves penetrating sayings.
4:64 And We never sent a Messenger, but he is obeyed with the permission of God. And if, when they did wrong themselves, they drew near to thee and asked for the forgiveness of God and the Messenger asked for forgiveness for them, they found God Accepter of Repentance, Compassionate.
4:65 But no! By thy Lord! They will not believe until they make thee a judge in what they disagreed about between them. Again, they find within themselves no impediment to what thou hadst decided, resigning themselves to submission, full submission.
4:66 And if We prescribed for them that you: Kill yourselves, or: Go forth from your abodes, they would not have accomplished it, but a few of them. And had they accomplished what they are admonished by it, it would have been better for them and a stauncher confirming.
4:67 And, then, We would have given them from that which proceeds from Our Presence a sublime compensation.
4:68 And We would have guided them on a straight path.
4:69 And whoever obeys God and the Messenger, those are to whom God was gracious among the Prophets and just persons and the witnesses and the ones in accord with morality. And excellent were those as allies!
4:70 That is the grace from God. And God sufficed as Knowing.
4:71 O those who believed! Take your precautions. Then, move forward in companies of men or move forward altogether.
4:72 And, truly, among you is he who lingers behind. Then, if affliction lit on you, he would say: Surely, God was gracious to me that I not be a witness to them.
4:73 And if the grace of God lit on you, certainly, he would say, as if there be not any affection between you and between him: Would that I had been with them so that I would have won a triumph, winning a sublime triumph!
4:74 Then, let fight in the way of God those who sell this present life for the world to come. And whoever fights in the way of God, then, is slain or is vanquished, We will give him a sublime compensation.
4:75 And why should you not fight in the way of God and for the ones taken advantage of due to weakness among the men and the women and the children, those who say: Our Lord! Bring us out from this town whose people are the ones who are unjust and assign for us a protector from Thy Presence and assign for us a helper from Thy Presence?
4:76 Those who believed fight in the way of God. And those who were ungrateful fight in the way of the false deity. So fight the protectors of Satan. Truly the cunning of Satan had been weak.
4:77 Hast thou not considered those who when it was said to them: Limit your hands from warfare and perform the formal prayer and give the purifying alms? Then, when fighting was prescribed for them, there was a group of people among them who dread humanity, even dreading God or with a more severe dreading, and they said: Our Lord! Why hadst Thou prescribed fighting for us? Why hadst Thou not postponed it for another near term for us? Say: The enjoyment of the present is little and the world to come is better. For whomever was Godfearing, you will not be wronged in the least.
4:78 Wherever you be, death will overtake you, even if you had been in imposing towers. And when benevolence lights on them, they say: This is from God. And when an evil deed lights on them, they say: This is from thee. Say: All is from God. So what is with these folk that they understand almost no discourse?
4:79 Whatever of benevolence lit on thee is from God. And whatever evil deeds lit on thee, then, is from thyself. And We sent thee to humanity as a Messenger. And God sufficed as Witness.
4:80 Whoever obeys the Messenger, surely, obeyed God and whoever turned away, then We sent thee not as a guardian over them.
4:81 And they say: Obedience! Then, when they departed from thee, a section of them spent the night planning on other than what thou hast said. And God records what they spend the night planning. So turn aside from them and put thy trust in God. And God sufficed as Trustee.
4:82 But no! They meditate not on the Recitation. And if it had been from other than God, certainly, they would have found in it many contradictions.
4:83 Whenever drew near them a command of public safety or fear, they broadcasted it. But if they referred it to the Messenger, and to those imbued with authority among them, they would have known it—those who investigate from among them. And if it were not for the grace of God on you and His mercy, certainly, you would have followed Satan, but a few.
4:84 So fight thou in the way of God. Thou art not placed with a burden but for thyself. And encourage the ones who believe. Perhaps God will limit the might of those who were ungrateful. And God is Stauncher in might and Stauncher in making an example.
4:85 Whoever intercedes with a benevolent intercession, there will be for himself a share of it. And whoever intercedes with an intercession for bad deeds, there will be for himself a like part of it. And God had been over everything One Who Oversees.
4:86 And when you were given greetings with greetings, then, give greetings fairer than that or return the same to them. Truly, God had been over everything a Reckoner.
4:87 God, there is no god but He. He will, certainly, gather you on the Day of Resurrection. There is no doubt about it. And who is one who is more sincere in discourse than God?
4:88 Then, what is it with you that you be two factions concerning the ones who are hypocrites? And God overthrew them for what they earned? Want you to guide whom God caused to go astray? And whomever God causes to go astray, thou wilt never find for him a way.
4:89 They wished for you to be ungrateful as they were ungrateful so you become equals. So take not to yourselves protectors from them until they emigrate in the way of God. Then, if they turned away, then, take them and kill them wherever you found them. And take not to yourselves from them either a protector or a helper,
4:90 but those who reach out to a folk who between you and between them is a solemn promise or when they drew near to you, their breasts were reluctant that they fight you or they fight their folk? And if God willed, He would have given them authority over you and they would have fought you. So if they withdrew from you and fight not against you and gave a proposal of surrender to you, then, God has not assigned any way for you against them.
4:91 You will find others who want that they be safe from you and that they be safe from their folk. Whenever they were returned to temptation, they were overthrown in it. So if they withdraw not from you, nor give a proposal of surrender to you and limit not their hands, then, take them and kill them wherever you came upon them. And those, We made for you a clear authority against them.
4:92 And it had not been for the one who believes to kill one who believes unless by error. And whoever killed one who believes by error the letting go of a believing bondsperson and blood money should be handed over to his family unless that family be charitable. And if he had been from the enemy folk of yours and he be one who believes, then, there should be the letting go of a believing bondsperson. And if he had been of a folk who between you and between them is a solemn promise, then, blood money should be handed over to the family and the letting go of a believing bondsperson. Then, whoever finds not the means, then, formally fast for two successive months as a penance from God. And God had been Knowing, Wise.
4:93 And whoever kills one who believes as one who is willful, then, his recompense is hell, one who will dwell in it forever. And God was angry with him and cursed him and He prepared for him a tremendous punishment.
4:94 O those who believed! When you traveled in the way of God, then be clear and say not to whomever gave you a proposal of peace: Thou art not one who believes, looking for advantage in this present life. With God is much gain. Thus, you had been like that before, then God showed grace to you, so be clear. Truly, God had been Aware of what you do.
4:95 Not on the same level are the ones who sit at home among the ones who believe—other than those imbued with disability—and the ones who struggle in the way of God with their wealth and their lives. God gave advantage to the ones who struggle with their wealth and their lives by a degree over the ones who sit at home. And to each God promised the fairer. And God gave advantage to the ones who struggle over the ones who sit at home with a sublime compensation
4:96 degrees from Him and forgiveness and mercy. And God had been Forgiving, Compassionate.
4:97 Truly, those whom the angels gathered to themselves—ones who are unjust to themselves—they will say: In what condition had you been? They will say: We had been ones taken advantage of due to weakness on the earth. They will say: Be not the earth of God that which is extensive enough to emigrate in it? Then, for those, their place of shelter will be hell. And how evil a Homecoming!
4:98 But the ones taken advantage of due to weakness of the men and the women and the children who are neither able to access some means, nor are they truly guided to the way
4:99 then those, perhaps God will pardon them. And God had been Pardoning, Forgiving.
4:100 And whoever emigrates in the way of God will find in and on the earth many places of refuge and plenty. And whoever goes forth from his house as one who emigrates for God and His Messenger, and, again, death overtakes him, then, surely, his compensation will fall on God. And God had been Forgiving, Compassionate.
4:101 And when you traveled on the earth, there is no blame on you if you shorten the formal prayer if you feared that you would be persecuted by those who were ungrateful. The ones who are ungrateful, they had been for you a clear enemy.
4:102 And when thou hadst been among them, performing the formal prayer with them, let a section of them stand up with thee and take their weapons. And when they prostrated themselves, then, let them move behind you and let another section approach who has not yet formally prayed. Then, let them formally pray with thee and let them take their precaution and their weapons. Those who were ungrateful wished for you to be heedless of your weapons and your sustenance. They would turn against you with a single turning. And there is no blame on you if you had been annoyed because of rain or you had been sick that you lay down your weapons. And take precaution for yourselves. Truly, God prepared for the ones who are ungrateful a despised punishment.
4:103 Then, when you satisfied the formal prayer, then, remember God when upright and sitting and on your sides. And, then, when you were secured, perform the formal prayer. Truly, the formal prayer had been —for the ones who believe— a timed prescription.
4:104 And be not feeble in looking for the folk. If you be suffering, they suffer as you suffer, yet you hope for from God what they hope not for, and God had been Knowing, Wise.
4:105 Truly, We caused to descend to thee the Book with The Truth so that thou wilt give judgment between humanity by what God caused thee to see. And be thou not the pleader for ones who are traitors.
4:106 And ask God for forgiveness. Truly, God had been Forgiving, Compassionate.
4:107 And dispute not for those who are dishonest to themselves. Truly, God loves not anyone who had been a sinful betrayer.
4:108 They conceal themselves from humanity, but they conceal themselves not from God, as He is with them when they spend the night planning with sayings with which He is not well-pleased. God had been One Who Encloses what they do.
4:109 Lo, behold! You are these who disputed for them in this present life. Then, who will dispute with God for them on the Day of Resurrection? Or who will be a trustee over them?
4:110 And whoever does evil or does wrong to himself, again, asks for forgiveness from God will, truly, find God Forgiving, Compassionate.
4:111 And whoever earns a sin, truly, he earns it only against himself. And God had been Knowing, Wise.
4:112 And whoever earns a transgression or a sin, and, again, accuses an innocent one, surely, laid a burden on himself of false charges that harm another’s reputation and a clear sin.
4:113 And were it not for the grace of God on thee and His mercy, a section of them was about to do something that would cause thee to go astray. And they cause none to go astray but themselves and they injure thee not at all. And God caused the Book to descend to thee and wisdom and taught thee what thou art not knowing. The grace of God had been sublime upon thee.
4:114 No good is there in most of their conspiring secretly, but for him who commanded charity or one who is honorable or makes things right between humanity. And whoever accomplishes that—looking for the goodwill of God—then, We will give him a sublime compensation.
4:115 And whoever makes a breach with the Messenger after the guidance became clear to him and follows a way other than that of the ones who believe, We will turn him away from what he turns to and We will scorch him in hell. How evil a Homecoming!
4:116 Truly, God forgives not to ascribe partners with Him. And He forgives other than that whomever He wills. And whoever ascribes partners with God, then, surely, went astray, a wandering far astray.
4:117 They call to other than Him none but female gods and they call to but the rebellious Satan.
4:118 God cursed him.• And Satan said: Truly, I will take to myself of Thy servants, an apportioned share,
4:119 and I will cause them to go astray. And I will fill them with false desires. And I will command them, then they will slit the ears of the flocks. And I will command them, and they will alter the creation of God. And whoever takes Satan to himself for a protector other than God, then, surely, he lost, a clear loss.
4:120 Satan promises them and fills them with false desires and Satan promises them nothing but delusion.
4:121 Those, their place of shelter will be hell and they will find no way to escape from it.
4:122 But those who believed and did as the ones in accord with morality, We will cause them to enter Gardens beneath which rivers run, ones who will dwell in them forever, eternally. The promise of God is true. And who is One More Sincere in speech than God?
4:123 Paradise will be neither after your fantasies, nor the fantasies of the People of the Book. Whoever does evil will be given recompense for it and he will not find for himself other than God either a protector or a helper.
4:124 And whoever does as the ones in accord with morality—whether male or female—and is one who believes then, those will enter the Garden and they will not be wronged, in the least.
4:125 And who is fairer in the way of life than he who submitted his face to God and he is one who is a doer of good and followed the creed of Abraham, a monotheist? And God took Abraham to Himself as a friend.
4:126 And to God is whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in and on the earth. And God had been One Who Encloses everything.
4:127 And they ask thee for advice about women. Say: God pronounces to you about them (f) and what is recounted to you in the Book about women who have orphans, those to whom (f) you give not what was prescribed for them (f) because you prefer that you marry them (f) and about the ones taken advantage of due to weakness among children and that you stand up for the orphans with equity. And whatever you accomplish of good, then, truly, God had been Knowing of it.
4:128 And if a woman feared resistance or turning aside from her husband no blame on either of them that they make things right between the two, that there be reconciliation. And reconciliation is better. And persons were prone to stinginess. And if you do good and are Godfearing, then, truly, God had been Aware of what you do.
4:129 You will never be able to be just between wives, even if you were eager so incline not with total inclination away from her, forsaking her as if she be one who is in suspense. And if you make things right and are Godfearing, then, truly, God had been Forgiving, Compassionate.
4:130 And if the two split up, God will enrich each of them from all His plenty. And God had been One Who is Extensive, Wise.
4:131 And to God is whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in and on the earth and, certainly, We charged those who were given the Book before you, and to you, that you be Godfearing of God alone. And if you are ungrateful, then, truly, to God belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in and on the earth. And God had been Sufficient, Worthy of Praise.
4:132 And to God belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in and on the earth. And God sufficed as a Trustee.
4:133 If He wills, He will cause you to be put away—O humanity—and approach with others. And over that God had been Powerful.
4:134 Whoever had been wanting a reward for good deeds in the present, then with God is The Reward for good deeds in the present and in the world to come. And God had been Hearing, Seeing.
4:135 O those who believed! Be staunch in equity as witnesses to God even against yourselves or the ones who are your parents or the nearest of kin, whether you would be rich or poor, then God is Closer to both than you are. So follow not your desires that you become unbalanced. And if you distort or turn aside, then, truly, God had been Aware of what you do.
4:136 O those who believed! Believe in God and His Messenger and the Book which He sent down to His Messenger and the Book that He caused to descend before. And whoever is ungrateful to God and His angels and His Books and His Messengers and the Last Day, then, surely, went astray, a wandering far astray.
4:137 Truly those who believed, and, again, disbelieved, and, again, believe and, again, disbelieve, and, again, added to disbelief, neither will God be forgiving of them nor guide them to a way.
4:138 Give thou good tidings to the ones who are hypocrites that, truly, for them is a painful punishment,
4:139 those who take to themselves the ones who are ungrateful as their protectors instead of the ones who believe! Are they looking for great glory with them? Truly, then, all great glory belongs to God alone.
4:140 And, surely, He sent down to you in the Book that when you heard the signs of God being unappreciated and being ridiculed, then, and sit not with them until they discuss in conversation about other than that or else, you will be like them. Truly, God is One Who Gathers the ones who are hypocrites and the ones who are ungrateful altogether in hell.
4:141 Those who lie in wait for you, if there had been a victory from God for you, they would say: Have we not been with you? If the ones who are ungrateful had been with a share, they would say: Gain we not mastery over you and secure you from among the ones who believe? And God will give judgment between you on the Day of Resurrection. God will never assign the ones who are ungrateful any way over the ones who believe.
4:142 Truly, the ones who are hypocrites seek to trick God. And He is The One Who Deceives them, and when they stood up for formal prayer, they stood up lazily to make display to humanity. And they remember not God but a little,
4:143 ones who are wavering between this and that, neither with these, nor with these. And whom God causes to go astray, thou wilt never find a way for him.
4:144 O those who believed! Take not to yourselves the ones who are ungrateful as protectors instead of the ones who believe. Want you to assign to God clear authority against yourselves?
4:145 Truly, the ones who are hypocrites will be in the lowest, deepest reaches of the fire. And thou wilt not find for them any helper,
4:146 but those who repented and made things right and cleaved firmly to God and made sincere their way of life for God, then, those will be with the ones who believe. And God will give the ones who believe a sublime compensation.
4:147 What would God accomplish by your punishment if you gave thanks to Him and believed in Him? God had been One Who is Responsive, Knowing.
4:148 God loves not the open publishing of evil sayings, the open publishing of evil sayings, but by him who was wronged. God had been Hearing, Knowing.
4:149 If you show good or conceal it or pardon evil, then, truly, God had been Pardoning, Powerful.
4:150 Truly, those who are ungrateful to God and His Messengers and they want to separate and divide between God and His Messengers and they say: We believe in some and we disbelieve in others, they want that they take themselves to a way between that.
4:151 Those, they are, in truth, the ones who are ungrateful. We made ready for the ones who are ungrateful a despised punishment.
4:152 And those who believed in God and His Messengers and they separate and divide not between any of them, those, He will give them their compensation. And God had been Forgiving, Compassionate.
4:153 The People of the Book ask thee that thou hast sent down to them a Book from heaven. Surely, they had asked Moses for greater than that. Then, they said: Cause us to see God publicly. So a thunderbolt took them for their injustice. Again, they took the calf to themselves after what drew near to them—the clear portents. Even so We pardoned that. And We gave Moses a clear authority.
4:154 And We exalted the mount above them for their solemn promise. And We said to them: Enter the door as ones who prostrate themselves. And We said to them: Disregard not the Sabbath! And We took from them an earnest solemn promise
4:155 for their breaking their solemn promise and their ingratitude for the signs of God and their killing the Prophets without right and their saying: Our hearts are encased. Nay! God set a seal on them for their ingratitude—so they believe not but a few—
4:156 and for their ingratitude and their saying against Mary serious, false charges to harm her reputation
4:157 and for their saying: We killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger of God. And they killed him not, nor they crucified him. Rather, a likeness to him of another was shown to them. And, truly, those who were at variance in it are in uncertainty about it. There is no knowledge with them about it but they are pursuing an opinion. And they for certain killed him not.
4:158 Nay! God exalted him to Himself. And God had been Almighty, Wise.
4:159 Yet there is none among the People of the Book but will, surely, believe in Jesus before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them.
4:160 So for the injustice of those who became Jews, We forbade them what was good that was permitted to them and for their barring many from the way of God
4:161 and for their taking usury—although they were prohibited from it—and for their consuming the wealth of humanity with falsehood. We made ready for the ones who are ungrateful among them a painful punishment.
4:162 But the ones who are firmly rooted in knowledge among them and the ones who believe, they believe in what was caused to descend to thee and what was caused to descend before thee. They are the ones who perform the formal prayer. And they are the ones who give the purifying alms. They are the ones who believe in God and the Last Day. It is those to whom We will give a sublime compensation.
4:163 Truly, We revealed to thee, as We revealed to Noah and the Prophets after him. And We revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Tribes and Jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon. And We gave David the Psalms.
4:164 And Messengers We related to thee before and Messengers We relate to thee not. God spoke directly to Moses, speaking directly.
4:165 Messengers are ones who give good tidings and ones who warn so that humanity not be in disputation against God after the Messengers. And God had been Almighty, Wise.
4:166 And God bears witness to what He caused to descend to thee. He caused it to descend with His knowledge. And the angels also bear witness. And God sufficed as witness.
4:167 Truly, those who were ungrateful and barred others from the way of God, they, surely, went astray, a wandering far astray.
4:168 Truly, those who were ungrateful and did wrong, God will never be forgiving of them, nor guide them to a road
4:169 but the road to hell, ones who will dwell in it forever, eternally. And that had been easy for God.
4:170 O humanity! Surely, the Messenger drew near you with The Truth from your Lord. So believe, it is better for you. And if you are ungrateful, then, truly, to God is whatever is in the heavens and the earth. And God had been Knowing, Wise.
4:171 O People of the Book! Go not beyond the limits in your way of life and say not about God but The Truth: That the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was a Messenger of God and His Word that He cast to Mary and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers. And say not: Three. To refrain yourselves from it is better for you. There is only One God. Glory be to Him that He have a son! To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in and on the earth and God sufficed as a Trustee.
4:172 The Messiah will never disdain that he be a servant of God nor the angels, the ones who are brought near to Him. And whoever disdains His worship and grows arrogant, He will assemble them altogether to Himself.
4:173 Then, as for those who believed and did as the ones in accord with morality, then, He will pay their compensation in full and increase His grace for them. And as for those who disdained and grew arrogant, He will punish them with a painful punishment. They will not find for themselves other than God a protector or a helper.
4:174 O humanity! Surely, there drew near you proof from your Lord. And We caused to descend to you a clear light.
4:175 So for those who believed in God and cleaved firmly to Him, then, He will cause them to enter into mercy from Him and grace and guide them to Himself on a straight path.
4:176 They ask thee for advice. Say: God pronounces to you about indirect heirs. If a man perished and he be without children and he has a sister, then, for her is half of what he left. And he inherits from her if she be without children. And if there had been two sisters, then, for them (f), two-thirds of what he left. And if there had been brothers/sisters, men and women, the man will have the like allotment as two females. God makes manifest to you so that you go not astray, and God is Knowing of everything.


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