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91:1  By the sun and its heat and brightness
91:2  and by the moon as it follows it
91:3  and by the day as it displays the sun´s glory
91:4  and by the night as it envelopes the sun
91:5  and by the sky and by Him Who made it
91:6  and by the earth and by Him Who stretched it out
91:7  and by the soul and by Him Who perfectly proportioned it
91:8  and imbued it with (the consciousness of) its evil and its piety
91:9  He who purifies it will prosper
91:10  and he who suppresses it will be ruined
91:11  In their presumptuous insolence the Thamud called the Truth a li
91:12  when their arch-criminal rose up in rage
91:13  Then Allah´s Messenger warned them: "Hands off the she-camel and her drink!"
91:14  But they rejected his statement as a lie and hamstrung the she-camel. For that crime their Lord rumbled down upon them, utterly razing them to the ground
91:15  He has no fear of its sequel