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91:1  By the sun and its noonday brightness
91:2  And the moon when it follows him
91:3  And the day when it displays him
91:4  And the night when it covers him
91:5  And the heaven and what built it
91:6  And the earth and what spread it
91:7  And the soul and what fashioned it, and taught i
91:8  its sin and its piety
91:9  Prosperous is he who purifies it
91:10  And disappointed is he who corrupts it
91:11  Thamud called the apostle a liar in their outrage
91:12  when their wretch rose u
91:13  and the apostle of God said to them, God's she-camel! so give her to drink
91:14  But they called him a liar, and they ham-strung her; but their Lord destroyed them in their sins, and served them all alike
91:15  and He fears not the result thereof