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81:1  When the Sun is folded up. (Monarchies come to an end)
81:2  And when the stars lose their glow. (Tribal dictatorships fall)
81:3  And when the mountains are moved (The 'great ones' lose their stronghold (20:105), (56:5), (78:20))
81:4  And when the she-camels, ten months with the young, are abandoned. (A she-camel about to deliver the young has been a precious commodity, but the means of transportation will change)
81:5  And when the wild beasts are herded together. (The nomads and even the cannibals civilize and lead an organized collective life)
81:6  And when the seas bustle with ships
81:7  And when the people intermingle. (The world becomes a smaller place)
81:8  And when the little girl that was buried alive is made to ask
81:9  For what crime she was slain. (Women's rights will be restored)
81:10  And when the papers are published widely
81:11  And when the sky is unveiled. (The Space sciences advance)
81:12  And when the Blazing Fire is ignited. (The guilty are swiftly apprehended)
81:13  And when the Paradise is brought near. (A glimpse of it on the earth)
81:14  (Then) every person will see what he has prepared
81:15  Oh, but I call to witness the revolving planets
81:16  The stars which rise and set in their orbits
81:17  And the Night as it slowly closes upon
81:18  And the fresh breath of the morning
81:19  Behold, this indeed is the revealed Word in the dialect of a noble Messenger (69:40)
81:20  Strengthened by Him Who is enthroned in His Almightiness of Supreme Control
81:21  (The Messenger is) to be obeyed and trusted
81:22  For, this fellow-man of yours is not a madman
81:23  And, indeed, he has found Wisdom at its highest horizon. (53:1-7)
81:24  And he withholds not in secret the least bit of the Revelation
81:25  Nor is it the utterance of a rejected satanic force. (Such as desire)
81:26  Which way, then, are you going
81:27  This Message is no less than a Reminder and giver of eminence to all mankind
81:28  Unto everyone of you who wills to walk aright. (1:5)
81:29  But you cannot will it unless you abide by the Laws of the Lord of the Worlds. (4:88)