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68:1  Nuun. By the pen and what they write
68:2  You are not, by the grace of your Lord, insane or possessed
68:3  No, indeed for you is a reward unfailing
68:4  And you stand on an exalted standard of character
68:5  Soon will you see, and they will see
68:6  Which of you are afflicted with insanity
68:7  Indeed it is your Lord Who knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best those who receive guidance
68:8  So do not listen to those who reject it
68:9  Their desire is that you would let up, so that they might regroup
68:10  Do not compromise with this type of despicable person, ready with promises
68:11  A slanderer going about with slander
68:12  Hindering all good, transgressing beyond bounds, deep in sin
68:13  Violent and cruel, with all that– useless
68:14  Because he possesses wealth and sons
68:15  When Our signs are rehearsed to him, “Tales of the ancients,” he says
68:16  Soon We will brand them on the nose
68:17  Indeed We have tried them as We tried the people of the farm-orchard, when they decided to gather the fruits in the morning
68:18  But without making a contingency plan
68:19  Then there came on them a visitation from your Lord, from all around while they slept
68:20  So it became, by the morning, like a dark and desolate spot
68:21  As the morning broke, they called out one to another
68:22  “Go to your land in the morning, if you will gather the fruits.
68:23  So they departed, conversing in secret low tones saying
68:24  “Let not a single, indigent person break in upon you this day.
68:25  And they started the morning strong in resolve
68:26  But when they saw it they said, “We have surely lost our way
68:27  “Indeed we are shut out.
68:28  One of them more just than the others said, “Did I not say to you, ‘Why not praise God?’
68:29  They said, “Glory to Our Lord, indeed we have done wrong.
68:30  Then they turned one against another in blame
68:31  They said, “Unfortunately for us, we have indeed transgressed
68:32  “It may be that our Lord will give us something better than this in exchange, for we turn to Him.
68:33  Such is this punishment, but greater is the punishment in the hereafter, if they only knew
68:34  Indeed for the righteous are gardens of pleasure in the presence of their Lord
68:35  Shall We then treat the people of faith like the people of sin
68:36  What is the matter with you, how do you judge
68:37  Or do you have a book through which you learn
68:38  That you will have through it whatever you wish
68:39  Or do you have covenants with Us reaching to the Day of Accountability, that you will have whatever you demand
68:40  Ask them which of them will stand for that
68:41  Or have they partners? Then let them produce their partners, if they are truthful
68:42  The day that the leg will be laid bare, and they will be summoned to bow in adoration, though they will not be able
68:43  Their eyes will be cast down, disgrace will cover them, seeing that they had been asked to bow in adoration while they were whole
68:44  Then leave Me alone with those who reject this message. By degrees We will punish them from directions they do not perceive
68:45  I will grant them respite. Truly powerful is My plan
68:46  Or is it that you ask them for a reward, so that they are burdened with a load of debt
68:47  Or that the unknown is in their hands, so that they can write it down
68:48  So wait with patience for the command of your Lord, and do not be like the companion of the fish when he cried out in agony
68:49  Had grace from his Lord not reached him he would indeed have been cast up on the naked shore in disgrace
68:50  So his Lord chose him and made him of the company of the righteous
68:51  And the unbelievers would nearly trip you up with their eyes when they hear the message and they say, “Surely he is possessed.
68:52  But it is nothing less than a message for all the systems of knowledge