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53:1  By the star when it goes down
53:2  your companion is not misguided and he was not deceived
53:3  And he does not speak from the desire
53:4  It (Quran) is not but a revelation that is revealed
53:5  The very powerful (Gabriel) taught him
53:6  being strong, he stood firmly
53:7  And he was at the higher horizon
53:8  then he came closer and he came down
53:9  until he was at a distance of two bows or closer
53:10  then he revealed to His servant what he revealed
53:11  His (the prophet’s) heart did not deny what he saw
53:12  Do you argue with him about what he sees
53:13  And he has certainly seen him in another descent
53:14  By the Lote (Sidra) tree at the utmost boundary
53:15  Next to it is garden of the residence
53:16  When that which covers covered the Lote (Sidra) tree
53:17  The eye did not turn aside and did not outreach
53:18  He has certainly seen some of the great signs of His Master
53:19  What do you think of the Lat, the Uzz
53:20  and Manat, the third one (of them)
53:21  Are the males for you and the females for Him!
53:22  That is an unfair division
53:23  They are only names which you and your fathers named it, whereas God did not send down any reason for it? They only follow the guess and what the souls desires, while the guidance has certainly come to them from their Master
53:24  Or does the human being have whatever he desire
53:25  While the last (the hereafter) and the first (this world) belongs to God
53:26  And many angels are in the skies, that their mediation is of no benefit at all except after God gives permission for whom He wants and He approves
53:27  Indeed those who do not believe in the hereafter shall name the angels the feminine names
53:28  while they have no knowledge of it, they only the follow guesswork, and guesswork is of no use against the truth at all
53:29  So stay away from anyone who turns away from Our reminder and only wants this world’s life
53:30  That is their extent of the knowledge. Indeed your Master knows better anyone who lost His way and He knows better anyone who is guided
53:31  And whatever in the skies and whatever on the earth belongs to God, so that He penalizes those who did bad in what they did and to reward those who did good with the better (reward than what they did)
53:32  those who avoid the big sins and the indecencies except the small ones. Your Master is vast in the forgiveness. He knows better about you, when He produced you from the earth and when you were hidden (as embryos) in your mothers’ wombs. So do not claim yourselves pure (and innocent), as He knows better who controls himself
53:33  Did you see the one who turned awa
53:34  and gave a little and was stingy
53:35  Does he have knowledge of the unseen, so he sees
53:36  Or was he not informed of what is in scriptures of Moses
53:37  and Abraham, the one who fulfilled (his duties)
53:38  That no bearer bears burden of another
53:39  and that there is not (any reward) for the human being except what he tried for
53:40  And that his efforts will be seen
53:41  then he is rewarded with the full reward
53:42  And that the final ending is to your Master
53:43  And that He is he who makes (everyone) laugh and cry
53:44  And He is he who causes death and gives life
53:45  And that He created the two types, the male and the female
53:46  from sperm when it is ejected
53:47  And that the other creation is His responsibility
53:48  And that He is he who makes rich and makes poor (or gives property)
53:49  And that He is he who is Master of the Sirius (the brightest star at night)
53:50  And that He destroyed the earlier Aa
53:51  and Thamud, and He did not leave (anyone alive)
53:52  And (He destroyed) people of Noah before (them), indeed they were more wrongdoer and more rebellious
53:53  And He overthrew the turned over cities
53:54  and it was covered by what covers
53:55  So which of your Master's favors do you doubt
53:56  This is a warner like the previous warners
53:57  The upcoming (judgment day) is coming up
53:58  No one other than God can expose it
53:59  Are you surprised by this saying
53:60  and you laugh and you do not cr
53:61  and you are negligent
53:62  So show humbleness to God and serve Him